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Gold for NIKO! (2009)

NIKO company is among the greatest winners on the “International Fair Plovdiv May 2009” this year. The prestigious international forum’s jury adjudged two gold medals for quality to coffee NIKO 3 in 1 and tea NIKO 3 in 1 and diploma for best packages design.

NIKO company believes that the new great success is coming in the near future as the company stakes on the modern and attractive packages design, quick and easy way of mixing products and quite competitive prices besides the indisputable product quality.

The company’s success and the very high praise given to NIKO products are highly motivating and give the confidence that the coming launch of the new company’s product series – “Coffee Plus” will answer the high consumer’s expectations and will satisfy even the most particular taste with its flavor combinations wealth.

More photos from the event you can see here.
You can see the video here.